Football Batman Iphone About Me


Out of all the the tec out there, I got to say that the Iphone is my favorite device. I love how it is portable. Also how smooth it runs. In my opinion, Iphone runs smoother and is more user friendly than android. Plus you can run different emulators on the Iphone like GBA(GameBoy Advance), NDS(Nintendo DS), and free movie apps. The app store is simple to use. You just press and it opens. You want to search for the app, It asks you right there if you want to search. It's simple.

Now don't get me wrong, I love Xbox. The only problem with it is it's not portbale, and I really only use the xbox for videogames and such. With Iphone you can listen to music, play games, watch movies, call, text, and so much more. Oh and how can I forget about Siri? The smart, funny, sarcastic AI right in your pocket that is just waiting for your command. She will navigate, tell you how to spell a word, englighten you on today's forcast, or simply say hi to you. More on Iphones